#3 - Caleb Anderson - IF
Player Information
Offensive Stats
Games played | |
Mar 23 vs. Georgetown Day | 0 for 0 |
Apr 3 vs. George Mason | 0 for 0 with 1 walk |
as courtesy runner | |
Apr 7 vs. Capitol Christian | 0 for 0 |
Apr 8 vs. Landon | 0 for 1 |
Apr 15 vs. St. James | 0 for 2 with 1 RBI, 1 strikeout |
as courtesy runner: 1 run scored | |
Apr 18 vs. Flint Hill | 0 for 1 with 1 strikeout |
as courtesy runner: 1 run scored | |
Apr 19 vs. Avalon | 0 for 0 |
Apr 26 vs. Flint Hill | 0 for 1 with 1 strikeout |
May 10 vs. Potomac | 0 for 0 |