#21 - Harrison Blain - IF
Player Information
Offensive Stats
Games played | |
Mar 16 vs. St. Albans | 0 for 0 |
Mar 17 vs. Georgetown Day | 1 for 3 with 1 run scored |
Mar 30 vs. Maret | 0 for 0 with 1 run scored, 2 HBP |
Apr 2 vs. Pallotti | 0 for 0 with 2 runs scored, 2 walks, 1 HBP |
Apr 15 vs. Georgetown Day | 0 for 2 with 2 strikeouts |
Apr 16 vs. St. James | 0 for 1 with 1 strikeout |
Apr 19 vs. Avalon | 1 for 2 with 1 run scored, 1 strikeout |
Apr 20 vs. Heights | 0 for 1 |
Apr 30 vs. Wilson | 0 for 1 with 1 walk, 1 strikeout |
May 4 vs. Landon | 0 for 2 with 1 strikeout |