#17 - Nick Plebani - P
Player Information
Offensive Stats
Pitching Stats
Games played | |
Mar 17 vs. Riverdale Baptist | 0 for 3 with 1 strikeout as pitcher (started): 3.0 IP, 1 run (0 earned), 1 H, 4 BB, 6 K |
Mar 22 vs. The Heights | 0 for 3 as pitcher (started): 3.0 IP, 5 runs (4 earned), 5 H, 2 BB, 7 K |
Apr 4 vs. St. James | 2 for 3 with 1 RBI, 1 2B as winning pitcher (started): 3.0 IP, 6 runs (0 earned), 4 H, 3 BB, 1 K |
Apr 6 vs. Georgetown Day | 1 for 2 with 3 RBI, 4 runs scored, 2 walks, 1 SB |
Apr 10 vs. Riverdale Baptist | 0 for 2 with 1 HBP as losing pitcher (started): 4.0 IP, 7 runs (6 earned), 4 H, 7 BB, 4 K |
Apr 15 vs. Potomac | 2 for 3 with 1 run scored, 1 walk as winning pitcher (started): 4.0 IP, 2 runs (1 earned), 4 H, 3 BB, 5 K |
Apr 21 vs. Potomac | 4 for 5 with 2 RBI, 3 runs scored, 2 SB |
Apr 25 vs. St. James | 0 for 1 with 1 RBI, 1 walk, 1 strikeout, 1 SAC |
Apr 28 vs. Episcopal HS | 2 for 4 with 2 RBI, 1 run scored, 1 strikeout, 1 SB as pitcher (started): 2.0 IP, 8 runs (4 earned), 4 H, 3 BB, 5 K |
May 10 vs. Maret | 0 for 5 with 5 strikeouts, 1 SB as pitcher (started): 3.0 IP, 5 runs (3 earned), 3 H, 2 BB, 4 K |
May 16 vs. Maret | 0 for 4 with 2 strikeouts as losing pitcher (started): 3.0 IP, 3 runs (1 earned), 5 H, 1 BB, 5 K |